commoner - regardless of the outcome of the 'vote' we will still keep breeding the midgies.
I don't think that it really matters who is running a country such as Britain. To keep all the voters happy is an impossible task. The electorate want high quality services whilst paying low rates of tax.
Scotland has historic links with France, so let's get England out of the EU, leave Scotland in, and the Scots can restore a Stuart heir to the Scottish throne.
LMAO....if you think relying on the Frogs to support Scotland in any waywould be a good idea...good luck, you would need it..They might send you some migrants to support is about all
......but I'll take the large Macallan's and drink to England out...He he!
///I don't think it really matters who is running a country such as Britain///
I don't see Britain as a Country, England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland are the Countries that make up Great Britain, with English being the largest ethnic group.
BTW ven, just a thought...would not the Stuart heir be the Current Queen? she is directly descended from the Scottish King James VI ...Or did I hear that a certain Bavarian chappie was first in line?
Scotland really has more right to the Monarchy than England. England would probably have to find a Tudor Monarch if indeed they didn't decide to just have a president...mmm....interesting!
"I don't see Britain as a Country, England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland are the Countries that make up Great Britain, with English being the largest ethnic group."
Pedant alert - these countries make up the United Kingdom, only England, Wales and Scotland make up Great Britain. As for "independance", shouldn't you learn to spell it right before it is voted for?
wolf63; my statement was in no way meant to upset any Scots (my roots are in Scotland) it's just to many Europeans, all of the people from the British Isles are 'English' this even includes the Irish. If only they'd have a couple of geography lessons on the subject...
Some of us in the British Isles are just as ignorant - when I first went to live in Scotland many moons ago, I persistently used the adjective "English" when I meant "British" - the distinction wasn't then clear enough to me. It is now.