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How can get job in Thailand?

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steve367 | 11:36 Wed 26th Sep 2012 | Jobs & Education
6 Answers
I know some about Thailand that it is famous in the world due to top attractive places and best beaches but i want to know that how many types of job in the Thailand.


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Apply to 'Job Centre Plus' in Bangkok (Office hours only)
The Ladyboys of Bankcok always seem to be popular so may be recruiting although you may have to make sacrifices.
What types of job interest you most.
^ sorry, Bangkok
The wage rates in Thailand are a small fraction of what you would earn here and there are 1,000 s of native Thia's after each job. Sorry but unless you have very specific skills that are not available in a local you stand no chance.
I hope you typed your question quickly, because if that is your usual standard you will struggle to get a job here.

Unless you have some very specific skills and experience, it is difficult to get an expat job unless you start in a multi national in your home country then get transferred - and that takes time.

Most expats without specific skills get a job Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL). It does not pay that well, but you can get by. However, you do need to be good in English.....
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How can get job in Thailand?

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