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This 'blatter a burglar' charter that the Tories plan to unfold...

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sandyRoe | 09:24 Tue 09th Oct 2012 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
What happens if the burglar who picks your house is a giant who's high on drugs?
Could people somehow make their homes more attractive to puny thieves?


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Is "blatter" a Scots word?
Doesn't he run FIFA?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think it will be compulsory to physically attack an intruder.
Question Author
It's an Ulster-Scots word.
It's a PR stunt.

The justice minister was pressed for an example today on the radio

He said if you kocked a burgler unconcious and then stabbed him lying there on the floor it would be illegal but if you lashed out in self defense it would not be

Well I think you'll find that's the situation right now
how do you blatter?, does it involve pancake mix?
if an intruder comes in uninvited...I say...bash him..before he bashes you !
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So do I, minty.
hi are the goats !
LOL, hi ya minty, the goats are fine. Hows dad ?
a wee bit better Tone.. not had a good night though..and mum is a bit poopedhe started his it has wiped him a bit...
Righto, minty. I remember my FIL having Chemo a couple of years ago and it knocked him of his feet to start with. Hope things get better with your dad.
sorry to go off topic, sandy.

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This 'blatter a burglar' charter that the Tories plan to unfold...

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