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Make blasphemy universally illegal

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beso | 12:27 Sat 29th Sep 2012 | Religion & Spirituality
51 Answers
The President of Indonesia is at the United Nations General Assembly and has proposed an international law to make blasphemy illegal.

No particular question but I am sure some of you would like to comment.


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WALDO and MIB - who could pass such a law? The UN has no such powers. In fact, there is no global authority which can pass laws applicable to the whole world.
That is why it is perfectly safe to ignore such ravings, and Mib's frightening parallel is not valid.
some of God's greatest gifts are unanswered prayers
is that classed as debating?
So if what you pray for happens, that's thanks to god, and if what you pray for doesn't happen, that's also thanks to god.
WALDO and MIB - who could pass such a law? The UN has no such powers. In fact, there is no global authority which can pass laws applicable to the whole world.
That is why it is perfectly safe to ignore such ravings, and Mib's frightening parallel is not valid.
12:19 Fri 05th Oct 2012

I honestly don't know what world you inhabit Chakka, but as a citizen of the world such laws already exist in many regions of my world no part of which is entirely exempt from or immune to its influence.

Thank goodness reason finally prevailed in WWII . . . although few would seem to be aware of why and how. God forbid the intentions of many of those in the United Nations should go unchallenged by those rendered deaf and dumb to the voice of reason.
^^ He has a point. Complacency is not the wisest course. ‘Nip’ and ‘Bud’ spring to mind.
Look, the President was talking about passing laws. I ask again: who has the authority to pass a law that applies to everyone on this planet?

If you know of such a body then please name it and I will withdraw with apologies. If you can't, then my point stands.

The fact that the President does not realise that the UN could not pass such a law, or name an organisation which could, shows how ignorant he is of the world.

Within the context of his daft suggestion there is no bud to be nipped.
Of course you're quite right, Chakka. However, I do think the UN must dismiss the proposal without delay - explaining, if necessary, to the President exactly why it isn't possible - hence nipping it in the bud.
Excellent idea, naomi. That is a bud that can be nipped.
Excellent idea, naomi. That is a bud that can be nipped.
17:44 Sat 06th Oct 2012

Line them out Chakka. :o)

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