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Observation at work

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dotty. | 20:01 Wed 10th Oct 2012 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
I am yet again amazed by the number of very elderly and also elderley and infirm customers that appear instore around this time of year specifically to buy their new diary and or calendar. and on monday i was putting out the new single christmas cards and for 4 hours i was surrounded by a profusion of senior citizens hovering around the cards. It's quite a marked and noticeable trend. Is it because they have the time to think ahead?


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I don't even risk buying yogurt with a long 'best before' date ...
No. It's because they forgot what day of the week it is ! and then couldn't remember if it was nearly Christmas !
I'ts getting cold dotty we are warming ourselves round your kind heart.
Cheeky lot, I've been buying charity calenders for elderly friends because they like to give them as xmas presents
You are on to something dotty. I must be have got old suddenly, having turned 65 this year. Have just ordered my new diary and am going in tomorrow to get cards. I used to do this around about December 22nd (together with the Christmas shopping), which is exactly what I did last year. There must be an earliness gene which suddenly operates at some age.
I am an oldie and I have bought my xmas cards because various charities have sent me their catalogues I woukd not have bothered to go to the shops for them. My diary and annual shar pei calendar I buy in the new year when they are greatly reduced in price. Do they do a Garth calendar dotty ?All my appts and birthdays, outings I stick on the calender.
I went on line and bought my 2013 calendar last week.

Should I book my funeral now, Dotty?
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Dee no there isn't a Garth Calendar that I know of but at work we sell a 'make your own calendar' kit and you can put your own photos on it, and so i mayo one for my son and GF of my granddaughter and then get one myself and make a garth one

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Observation at work

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