house sales in The AnswerBank: ChatterBank
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house sales

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petal54 | 21:10 Thu 11th Oct 2012 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
what are your experiences with sale of house?good bad otherwise?My olds house on the market,sort of been sold to couple that live in Oz,who,having seen the survey wish price reduced by £150,000,the agents not v.helpful
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crikey, are you selling a mansion?
They have offered £150k below the asking price???

Assuming it is £15k, are you happy with this offer, are they a cash buyer, do they need/want to relocate to UK before finalising deal? How patient are you willing to be if they want to hang about?
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It's half a large victorian house,bought 50 years ago for £10,000,sinse been listed, by some prat,due to a posh architect.was bought to use as business which didn't take off
Change agents !
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eccles,this pos.a 'holidayhome' for the ozzoe couple,at least for time being
That's a lot to reduce it by! What was it that has made them want to reduce it that much?
That's one hell of a reduction.

What details included in the survey are they using to batter the price down?
Your Agent must ask the purchasers to provide these details and pass them on to you.
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the survey,though we'd said the place some what past sell by date,as live in bu 2 olds aged over 85,1 now in care,the other about tobe,hence sale
There would need to be 'fundamental' problems with a property to warrant such a reduction.........a bit of 'titivation', etc. does not fall into that bracket.
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seen survey,mainly stuff we knew about,but when seen on paper seem worse I suppose,& cold light of day on the other side of planet
Does it need £150k spending on it to bring it up to scratch? If this was known when it went on the market it should have been priced accordingly.
Go and see a Structural Surveyor yourself and ask him to prepare a report. He will be able to advise just what is and is not a cause for concern and can be disregarded from the 'purchase' survey.
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priced had been reducedafter 6 months of few viewings,agents suggested the original price,which prob too high

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