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British Gas to increase their prices.

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anotheoldgit | 15:15 Fri 12th Oct 2012 | News
79 Answers

Is it not time that our Government stepped in to either cap energy prices or nationalise all utilities, because how much longer can the long suffering British public remain hostage to these money grabbing foreign owned utility companies?

If this isn't possible, and since it is British Gas who are the first to increase their prices each year, then why don't the majority of British Gas customers leave British Gas and put their gas and electricity needs in the hands of another supplier?

At least this would send them a message.


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Do not know if this works - but read towards the bottom of the page - Reaction....
I have a 1200 ltr tank and fill it once a year; if it doesn't last the year then we put on another jumper. I don't put the water on except for a shower, for washes we boil the kettle ditto for washing up. But oil is running out and I understand the need for less fossil fuel to be used.
Instead of shouting about the cost of these why not lobby the government to put more into research into alternative fuel such as gas from faeces which is a feasible alternative; just think how much excrement is produced every day.
(not in great shape tonight and think I am staying in - the 4 coffees this morning got me, or something at lunch...........)
Brenden, i have read it, it tallies with all that i have read, looked up.
sorry wrong thread!,_1975
Making a right mess of thic copy and paste - sorry
ok the first go..
Em, just pointin out to gromit - if he reads my second link - Harold Wilson did say it was an historic event (reactions and consequences, bottom of link) I did not make it up.
I know you didn't, but convincing our friend seems a step too far.

Thank you for your link. I now concede I was mistake and Wilson did indeed hail the yes vote as an 'historic decision'.
I owe you an apolgy for doubting the remark.
Gromit, what about moi?
Mad Maggot
Maybe you ought to put a petition on the government web site.

They are up to their ears in the stuff
Since when has any state run organisation been a financial success ?
They all end up being a massive burden on the tax payer and have to be full or partly denationalised . In Europe especially France has taken stakes in various industries usually about 20% and then writes off debts . Which then makes it appear the company has made a profit. The Greeks use the same method but also extends it to the private sector.
he thinks you are far too right, em!
Just to clarify

I admitted I was wrong to claim Wilson was anti-Europe and I apologised to Brendan for saying he made that up. I owe no one else an apology.
i pointed at the same thing posts ago, and i don't like being patronised.
modeller, i couldn't agree more.
I repeat, I have nothing to apologise to you for. The fact that you agreed with Brendan, who did deserve an apology is irrelevent. The thing I am apologising for is what I said to him and nothing else.
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British Gas to increase their prices.

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