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joggerjayne | 07:43 Mon 15th Oct 2012 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
Its so stupid ... but it's hard to resist scrolling down to see what's next.


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It's Obsessive Compulsive Disorder in pictures.
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LOL ... Yes!

Although I'm sure some people would look at those pictures and by dying to straighten the objects up a bit, or rearrange them.
the shells for example! They could do with straightening.
picture alignment martyrs?
I don't think it's stupid. I love the copper beech circle. It's a piece of art work.
I didn't see a shells one, DT, perhaps I didn't look far enough.
I went into page 2, tilly.
I see what you mean about the shells, DT. They seem to wobble as you scroll down.

I really like the images on here. Thanks for highlighting it JJ.
Loved the toast
The leaf ones are stunning but I think I must have reverse OCD because i just have the urge to go storming through all these neat things and make a great big mess!
The copper beech on is superb. A bit like Andy Goldsworthy's ephemeral nature sculptures. I could look at them all day.

Im with you yingyang.

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