Power of attorney
Daij | 18:46 Tue 16th Oct 2012 | Law
21 Answers
My mother suffers from vascular dementia and is in hospital at the moment. I was told that I had to get copies of her assessments in order to arrange care when she is discharged. Because mother does not have capacity I had to present my power of attorney documents to them so that they could give me the information.
They’ve had the documentation for a week and I requested its return because I have to present that document to other organisations for different reasons. I tried to pick it up earlier on and was presented with a photocopy of a photocopy of the original because the person who was in possession of it didn’t know where the original is.
Two questions;
1. Can people photocopy legal documents without permission from the owners to do so?
2. What is my next move if the original cannot be found?