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how has your day been? Expensive for me.

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rabet | 23:25 Wed 17th Oct 2012 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
Wife's birthday!


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many happy returns to your wife.
Expensive already and it's only 25 minutes in! Ouch!

I don't blame you for resenting your wife !
The last 25-30 mins have been good, thank you, and not expensive!
What about poor Prince Philip? His missus has 2 birthdays.
It's been good, helped poorly wife with her dodgy back most of the day then went for the monthly game of cards and won about £22. :)
At least that happens only once a year (less if you forget, and can bear the scars). Me, I bought a puppy,which cost a bit,though nothing compared to what it'll cost to feed and keep healthy over the years. And there was the cost of diesel for Cambridge to Belper and back. Still, I haven't got a wife; both of my exes get a birthday card,but that doesn't run into money.
You Big White Elephant, You.

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how has your day been? Expensive for me.

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