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Big Brother with homeless people.

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flobadob | 22:16 Wed 17th Oct 2012 | Society & Culture
13 Answers
I saw this link and I'm just wondering how would you feel about this premise? Is it any worse that the current format, or is it actually a good idea. Would it help the participants in the long run? What do you think?


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the comment about beautiful people is daft, we had bet lynch on celebrity big brother. they wouldn't be any worse than the artificial wannbe zed listers that they usually choose and it would actualy be alot more of a challenge for homeless people to conform and obey, plus the dynamic would be very unpredictable and changeable,
You could start with them all outside dossing in the carpark and viewers could vote in who they thought deserved a bit of warmth and food

Only slightly less dehumanizing and degrading than the current format
lol @ barks

Then we could have them all fighting each other for food.
Ridiculous! What if they're an alcoholic, or drug addict, as a high percentage of homeless people are. What then, watch them suffer?
Stupid idea.... but his heart was in the right place, I'm sure :-)
Many of the homeless have mental health problems. It would be a real barrel of laughs to see them put under pressure.
Once they have been evicted, you could watch their faces as they get kicked back out to the streets for your enjoyment. Most stupid idea I have heard in a long, long time.
I'm guessing the numpty that suggested it has never been homeless. Just a feeling I have....
No! It would be wrong on all levels.
What happens to them after the show?
Would any dependency or mental health problems be dealt with?
Would it create a 'fight for survival' atmosphere that current participants don't have?

It would take any dignity they have away. If BB is open to the public it should be open to ALL public, including the homeless.

It's bad enough that the inadequates are paraded on Jeremy Kyle for 'Mr and Mrs I'm No Better But I Am Smug' to laugh at.
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I suppose it would be better to give homeless people a bed for the night to sleep in. Any time I have accidentally watched big brother for a short time it seems to be people in bed in dimly lit room.
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Omg, do you people not know anything? After they are evicted they will be famous and release pop singles and all will be right with the world lol.
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I wonder what that said?

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Big Brother with homeless people.

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