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Oil on Drive

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smurfchops | 09:07 Mon 13th Feb 2006 | Home & Garden
8 Answers

My drive is laid with bricks, and I would like to know how to get a large oil stain out? Thanks.



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I have a stone fronted house which regularly gets vandalised. I find that pouring bleach on any stain (the thick gloopy type) will generally get rid of it. You could also try white spirit although that may just sink into the brick. Pour on loads of bleach so that you are "bathing" the stain, and keep applying it if it sinks in. Then go away for a few hours. Always works for me!
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Thanks Scarlett, I'll give it a go
my mom used to go mad at me for leaving my car parked on her block paved driveway, and leaving drips of oil. She would put fairy liquid on it and leave for about 15 min then jet wash it - it did work :-)
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Yes I'm a bit paranoid about people parking on it ... can't actually say "Does your car leak?" !!
we've used OXICLEAN on ours and it seemed to work and it's enviromentaly friendly too.
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Remember if all else fails, you can always replace the bricks.
These people have got the right product for removing oil from driveways. I've tried it and it works. I tried alsorts of stuff before like cola, clothes washing liquid and wd40 made it worse. I also discoverd that they are now doing a discount voucher thing if you look on youtube. That's why I put that link in. The link to their shoop is You can buy just the liquid if you've already got the other bits and pieces. I found it useful to watch the video before I used it, it was suggested buy the guy on the phone, he was really helpful.

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