This should probably be in seasonal, but what the hell. It's the first year that contact has fallen on Halloween. My step son wants to go trick or treating. I don't mind people knocking here and I always have a big bowl of sweets, but not sure I want to do it myself.
Other problem is that he has very limited food groups and only likes about 3 different sweets. Do you think if I knocked on the doors of a few neighbours and gave them the sweets he liked, and asked them if it is OK if we called at a particular time that wouldn't be a bother to people? I'd like him to have what other kids have, but at the same time I don't want to be a pest.
Any good supermarket should have it in a school supply section I'd imagine.
The little plastic bottles with the blue screw-top type lid, depending on size of web you want, obviously depends on how many bottles.
Oh, the added fun was trying to keep the cats off the drying glue. :-D
(sorry, forgot about that one)
lol thanks for that thought Alba. When Mr BM painted the front door recently, I ended up with a black, white and bright neon yellow cat, so you can see how this is going to go.
Another thing, I used a couple of broadsheet newspapers, eventually shut the cats out of the room and on returning to said room to carry on, er, well, I forgot :-)
My wife and mmyself thought it was too dangerous to let our daughters go Trick or Treating.
Oddly enough I nearly ran over a chid who suddenly ran accross the road in a black outfit where there were no lamp posts.
When I got out I found other children running every where in the dark.
Oddly enough they have never wanted fireworks but always wanted some money for something else.
We were allways glad to give them the money and their grandparents were as well.
They did like to go and watch other peoples fire works from the up stairs window for about an hour.
Ahh that's a lovely idea! I bought a load of little packets of sweets in last year though wasn't sure whether I'd get anyone round given the area but had some lovely kids knock on though was glad I was out of the house before the yoofs started getting in on the act!
I'd definitely do it if a neighbour or someone nearby I knew asked me.
You can get PVA glue in most decent sized supermarkets or places like Wilkinsons. You can do similar using balloons too and wool/thicker thread to make things like a pumpkin effect. Blow up the balloon, stick on the thread, leave to dry then pop and remove the balloon.
There seem to be lots of thicker furry pipecleaners about too at the moment, especially in places like pounds shops, the works etc... and craft shops which could be good for things like spiders.