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Frankie Boyle sues The Mirror over racist claims...

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sandyRoe | 18:20 Mon 15th Oct 2012 | ChatterBank
66 Answers
Can't let things like that go unchallenged. He has his good name to protect.


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I find him funny. Some of his jokes aren't, but in the main he is.
Shame really, he used to be quite funny once.
Well, for what it's worth, my mate Paul Sinha gave brief evidence supporting him. They know each other pretty well, and Paul says he's relieved at the verdict because FB is "about as racist as I'm a slim heterosexual white man".
Yes, he was funny on the heavily edited Mock the Week.
Wankie Frakie's problem is, and always was going to be, that when you shock people like that, (and shocking humour can be funny) you have to go a step further each time. Eventually you run out of leeway.
The Mirror is a shyte paper,Boyle is pure shyte,end of.

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Frankie Boyle sues The Mirror over racist claims...

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