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Man Vs Food ... NO WAY

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joggerjayne | 19:50 Mon 22nd Oct 2012 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
Adam cannot eat this burrito ... no way!


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He didn't ...

He prefers apple pie
How disappointing

........ and er .......failcake
Question Author
Yep ... failcake.

Apple pie?
I think I have seen "all" the episodes now :/
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Perhaps he will make new ones?
no he has quit now, he did a look back series (5% new footage)

plus a lot of copycat shows have sprung up which waters down the uniqueness of the show :/
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Oh. Shame. I liked Adam.
Bring on the burrito - and a Margarita
he is on twitter, he is a big fan of the premier league football oddly enough

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Man Vs Food ... NO WAY

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