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James Bond

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masma | 08:28 Tue 23rd Oct 2012 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
Is anyone else fed up with it already or am I the only one who doesn't like it?


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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ. singer theme tune doesn't bode well for the film.
I cant really warm to daniel craig :/
I watched Octopussy at the cinema. Never watched a James Bond film since.

Must admit...I do like the Coke adverts.
I'm with Cazzz, don't like Daniel Craig as a Bond. To my mind Bond was always suave and sophisticated with a sometimes macabre sense of humour, DC always seems to play the part of a glorified thug in a suit.
I don't get it with Daniel Craig (I could have phrased that better) ~ far too craggy for the suave James; let me have Roger Moore anytime (oh dear, that's even worse).
I'm glad I'm not alone in not liking DC.
Timothy Dalton was never going to work out either.
Agree Alba, he was too smarmy wasn't he?

When they were searching for the Bond, before they picked DC, I remember saying that Clive Owen would've been a good choice, I still think he could be :-)
I must be the only person to have never watched a single James Bond film - not my kind of film.
Ann: I haven't either - not a single one.
fell asleep in the middle of one with Roger Moore [ also too smarmy] and havent bothered since.
I hate the whole James Bond franchise, always have.
When MOTD 2 did a Bond themed programme on Sunday night I was gobsmacked and quite irritated.
I don't like James Bond and switch off if anything vaguely connected comes on the radio or tele.

lol @douglas...Billy Connolly doing his drunken uncle routine always comes to mind whenever I hear the new theme tune. :)
like the song, don't much care for the current actor who plays him
Cazz, I could warm up to Daniel Craig anytime. After Sean Connery he's the only Bond for me.
Ive never liked James Bond films.
To me, the only James Bond is Sean Connery. Oops! That makes me feel old now!
I always thought that the films were way too long. If my mind starts to wander .......... not sure what I was going to say there ?
i can't wait to go see it. DC isn't my fave bond but he's up there as one of the best

Sean will always be the best though
George Lazenby first, with Sean Connery a close second

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