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Dreaded 80's

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rockyracoon | 21:50 Mon 22nd Oct 2012 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
I'm going to an 80's themed birthday party in a few weeks. What can I wear that's cheap and cheerful? Any ideas?


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Lol i had that problem las weekend. Madonna is easy. I chaneled robert smith. Back combed hair, red lippy and overdo the eyeliner
I love the 80s, you could do boy george or madonna
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I did think Madonna but my hair is dark. As much as I loved the 80's, I hated the fashion, except the rara, but I don't have the legs anymore!
Get a ruched dress from a charity shop (anything in electric blue will be good). Put some shoulder pads into an old jacket. Ruched boots (pixi boots) have come into fashion recently so you might find some of those in the charity shops as well. Heavy, black, opaque tights with a woolen dress (circa Benetton 1985). Get some big, backcombed hair and some lipliner and you`re good to go.
Get a big, cheap, white men's t-shirt and write in big letters 'CHOOSE LIFE' and wear it with black leggings. Those WHAM! days!
You could go for the full Claire Grogan ...

< swoon >
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Lol Dave, the days are long gone that I could carry that look off.

Thanks for your ideas everyone, keep em coming.
Dress in entirely long flowing black (including black lace gloves and black fishnets, with high heels). Crimp and backcomb hair, white face, dark make up.
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As in Siouxsie Barmaid? That sounds do able.
red stilletoes big hair, floor length fur coat, nowt on underneath a la kim cattrall in mannequin
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Jeez dotty, I'll frit the life out of everyone.
What dotty - fur coat and no knickers. I thought that was ladies of the night did that.
"Red hat, no knickers" I was told, Starby
Yep. something like that Rocky. Easy done - at not much cost.
It's the no knickers bit that counts Dave.
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Lol, Boo. It's true, I don't remember wearing any of that when I was a teenager and nor did my mates.
torn t-shirts, flourescent colours and huge. shoulder pads, frizz the big hair, simples!
What about a dodgy shell suit?

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Dreaded 80's

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