Is anyone else getting that Russian Wives ad on the long, narrow advert box just under the Recent posts list. It's a bit off putting and it seems to appear every time mrs factor sees my screen.
Here's the landing page to give you an idea
I'm not really complaining- I'm just curious as to whether other people are getting them or it's some sort of targeted ad, because I can't think of any other sites I've visited.
Had I better clear my browser?
That's right Ed- mainly on the right under Latest Posts but then I noticed it on the left under Topics.
It was actually Russian Brides not Wives.
Today I've only been logged into AB for half an hour or so and haven't seen it yet...but I'll keep looking. Maybe it's gone now- the other ads look different from yesterday except for Zoosk personals
I've got a free will kit, Zoosk personals with a load of "look arent I alluring" women's faces. Join Mecca Bingo today and Santander credit card. There is so much advertising on here that someone somewhere is becoming rich!