I have looked at the selection of candidates for the post of police commissioner for my area, and am not very impressed with any of them. My wife and i vote in every election going, but this one seems to be a gravy train for opportunists. Personally i will write " none of these on the ballot paper". It looks likely it's going to be a low turnout. I can understand why. Especially if you live in Hull.
This is a (pardon the expression) cop out by the police authorities. If the commissioner cocks up they can turn round and say "we'll we didn't appoint him, the people did!"
The police do what they can, they are not omnipotent. I remember once, some time ago of course, I rang the police because a crowd of young people were causing havoc in the street. Two policemen turned up two days later and wanted to come in and talk. I refused - I was so annoyed - told them they were too late. On reflection I realised it had been a Saturday and they had many such calls and because they are limited in the amount of policemen available and so cannot attend every one which occurs. I think they do their best with what they have. However, I don't really think we need a commissioner. In my opinion yet another well paid job which will ultimately be a drain on our resources. Better if we had a few more policemen.
No .We won't be voting.
I talked about this with my brother who's a retired policeman .If anyone would vote on this I thought he would but he held forth at great length about it :)
Jobs for the boys he says, on inflated salaries which could be better spent on more troops on the streets .He also told me that he wouldn't trust one of the candidates in our area further than he could throw him .
I think that this is all akin to how they run things in America .
We had the thing with elected mayors a while back .I think lots of people said no to a Boris in every city .
E/Kent, we've had only one leaflet so far,
Female, Independant pictured with a white-suited Martin Bell.
Shows bad judgement, so she's a no-no!
I won't be voting in any case, they will make no difference whatsoever!