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Mooria | 14:32 Mon 29th Oct 2012 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
As part of my new diet, I am eating two bananas a day, but my housemate says I should really only eat one due to the potassium content. Is this true? TIAx


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I know bananas do have a high potassium content but would two harm you ? not sure but have always beleived that bananas are to be avoided when trying to lose weight..don't know if there is any validity in that though !
Bananas do contain potassium.....but 2 bananas a day? big deal.
According to Carl Pilkington you never see a bunch of 9 or more bananas as more than 8 can kill you
wotcha's you ?
murray....fine...the "old lady " has gone to the UK shopping for 2 days.

Can't fight the woman off ;-)
oo Sqad you are awful,,, !! be good for your sins will find you out ! lol
Weightwatchers recommend that you only eat 1 banana per day but I've no idea why.
Sqad - you will need more than 2 bananas then to keep your strength up..........hahaha {'o)
I was told bananas were good for cramp, so I ate more than two a day for a while with no ill effects. Didn't seem to cure the cramp either!!
I have a lovely e mail with lots of pics re the properties of bananas, apparently if you rubber the iner part of the skin on your teeth it will whiten them [ takes 2 weeks].
Is you e mail me on [email protected] I am happy to forward to you, cant put it on here too complicated for me.
insides of banana skins make excellent polish for black shoes :-)
I'm reading a book at the moment about hypertension and apparently few of us take in enough potassium coupled with too much salt!
Bananas come in different sizes, don't they? Two smallish ones equals one large one, potassium content-wise. Problem solved....two smallish ones.

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