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Spacestation sighting over uk this evening

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wendilla | 16:02 Mon 29th Oct 2012 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
Early sighting tonight 5 09pm for 3 mins SW departing SE


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Did everyone see the astronauts holding the "Happy Birthday Wendi" banner up to the window of the space station!
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That is a bit early tonight. I have missed that one all right. Are there any more later this evening at all?
Another one this evening?

How fast is a complete orbit ???
Faster than you can jog, I am afraid to say, JJ, no disrespect to yourself. I think it is once round the Earth every 94 minutes, give or take.
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There are only 2 more sightings
Tuesday 5 56pm and Wednesday 5 07pm.
Should be better next time round in a few weeks.
Missed it, but there was a huge full moon earlier on.............
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HUNTER'S MOON: There' a full Moon tonight, and according to folklore it has a special name: the Hunter's Moon. Some native American tribes gave it that name to mark the autumn hunts that topped off their food supplies for the coming winter. Think of that when the bright orb rises tonight, and enjoy the Hunter's moonlight.
It's like daylight where we are. Lovely moon.
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Jonnyboy it can pass over the UK more than once in a day when this way. but it is not always visible.
Travels at 17,000 MPH ( 5 MILES PER SECOND)

Orbits every 90 mins with a sunrise and sunset every 45 mins

Approx 180 to 220 miles high.

Solar wings have a span of 240 feet.
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Some interesting pictures and reading
really fascinating wendilla. Cant help watching it can you x
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Pusskin were you ever lucky enough to see the double fly byes when the shuttles were going there. Now that was worth seeing and awesome.
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The SS would come first then a few mins later the shuttle would appear not quite so bright gliding along to catch up.
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Joggerjane yes had the binos out and saw it lol. Waved and they waved back.
popped out with the dog and the moon was lovely with the wispy clouds blowing across was quite eerie...
Great shame wendilla, was never lucky enough to catch any of that.
Cant remember why not now, but will fly to catch the next one x

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Spacestation sighting over uk this evening

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