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YESSSS!!! ... I Knew It

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joggerjayne | 12:36 Tue 30th Oct 2012 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
Brunettes are best ...


I knew it would become official sooner or later.


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Yep, I'm with you JJ, always known it.
from the mugshot it looks as though Olivia Foster is having it both ways (so to speak)

Anita Loos wrote Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, but she also wrote But Gentlemen Marry Brunettes. How true this is you must judge for yourself.
I still preferred Marilyn Monroe, but I did marry a brunette.
Of course they are the best! Was there any doubt? lol ;)
Question Author
Never in doubt.

Especially sort of mid mousey brunettes. Not these dark, glossy, sleek headed girls ... mousey is the way forward.

Cheese anyone?
LOL. ^^^^
Before you start, I agree, I've been married to a Brunette for 25+ years!
The colour of her hair is the only reason I have the hots for Kelly Brook.
Nope redheads are the best!!
So we, who are darker brunettes, don't qualify? How very rude! lol ;) I'm getting the hair dye out now!
//mid mousey brunettes//

What's all this about jj?
Well said, fgt.
Why otherwise would some of the most gorgeous actress's around choose to become redheads?
Julia Roberts, Nicole Kidman, Scarlett Johansson, and further back Rita Hayworth, to name a few.

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