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So far, so good.

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Traci66 | 19:34 Wed 31st Oct 2012 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
Half past six and so far no trick or treaters knocking at the door and now it's pouring down, so doesn't look like we are getting any. (Grandson has gone to a party).


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none here is P8888ing down though !!!
I have had three lots at my door,some of them have really made an effort,they look so good.
My thoughts exactly Traci but maybe too soon to count our chickens (or rather the masses of sweets I've got!)
No one has knocked our door either - but it is hurling it down and the kids are not on half term so have school tomorrow (and the front of my house is pitch black as the living room is at the back so house doesn't look particularly inviting!).
It's pleasingly quiet here too, the rain is gratefully received this evening!
We've had two lots so far. We really need more or i'm going to have to force feed my son with the big tin of Cadbury's Heroes that we bought, I don't want to ruin my diet.

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