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Trust These Days

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Eve | 21:42 Wed 31st Oct 2012 | ChatterBank
3 Answers
I was in the hospital grounds earlier heading to a physio appointment and a lad a distance away seemed to drop something on the ground which looked like a card but not notice. I shouted to him a number of times but no response - couldn't run after him physically and he was a fair way away by then. I went to rescue it and it was a debit card.

I rang the bank lost and stolen number on the back and they said they would cancel the card and to destroy it so did so in front of the guy on the main reception as a witness and left the bits and cardholder's name there in case the cardholder came asking about it.

Got me thinking though as I was worried about leaving it whole with anyone else, even reception people or security guards (would have with the police but, strangely for there, none about), especially with things like swipe to pay facilities (no PIN). Makes you think about how little trust there seems to be around nowadays. It's sad.


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A few weeks ago, one of my neighbours, whom I had never met before, came home in such a rush, she'd apparently had bad news from the doctor, and she rushed into her block of flats leaving her car unlocked and her handbag on top of it.
Neither our neighbours or ourselves knew which flat she lived in and we had to take a peek inside her bag in the end to get her address off something, but I must admit I not only felt guilty doing that, but also felt a right 'nana walking around the estate with a large red handbag.
OMG Good job you were there to save the day. Well done!
that happened to me outside our flats in in UAE, the bag contained passport ,lots of money & travellers cheques,plane ticket etc, so I knew who I was looking for, started on the top floor and kept knocking, the woman [english] had gone back down to the car whilst I was still knocking, caught up with her at the police station and handed over bag,she was going on holiday next day to USA, when she came back bought me a nice thank u prezzie.

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