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This morning's fart video

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bibblebub | 09:18 Fri 02nd Nov 2012 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
even donkeys find that it's better out than in


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<<< Is surprised Salla hasn't noticed this thread...
The donkey was very proud of that!
<<< Is also surprised that Sqad has not yet registered his disdain, for we know how he feels about all things flatulatory...
Jaysus, I could almost smell it from here !.
Now that is one to be proud of, Hopkirk, surprised she didn't get a Sh!t shower though.
Someone whispered 'Villa' to the horse at the right moment
No Hopkirk, it must have been when I said Boing Boing.
Lol Hopkins, lol !!!!!
Oi, shut it, Bluenose.
Anthony or Mary?
gonna stop trying ... can't compete with that
Alfie could, especially in confined spaces...
The expression on the donkey's face is priceless.
Hoppy, That reminds me of a night in with ttfn.
pah fatty could beat that, no contest

there is also an ab member who once sent me audio of a 13 second fart of their own making, very proud of it they were
Have just noticed it NoM... Excellent !!

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