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Bus Driver who was sacked in 2004....

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kat2206 | 10:17 Wed 07th Nov 2012 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
For being a member of BNP has won his case at the European Court of Human Rights.... Good for him!


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I am totally conflicted with BNP policies, occassionally thinking "actually that does make sense" then next thing "bunch of racists". However your politics should not effect your employment if you keep them to yourself and it doesnt influence or affect the workplace, which I am assuming it didnt in this case?

If he was openly trying to influence his passengers to his politics for example.....
But I dont know the facts of the case
Your political persuasion should have absolutely no bearing on your job

Unless you're a politician of course
That's great news. I don't see how anyone's political beliefs would affect them driving a bus. I hope he sues them for every bean.
He was driving a bus in an area that has a high percentage of Asians. When he was elected as a BNP councillor that was publicised so his role and beliefs was common knowledge.
Don't forget that wasn't long after the Bradford riots and at the time there was an appeal going through the courts about the sentencing of the rioters.
It was a very difficult time, racial tensions were high.
But who is going to ask their bus driver what his political beliefs are? As long as he gets me into town on time, I don't gieva toss what he gets up to outside of work.
sb - nobody needed to ask. It was splashed all over the local papers when he became councillor.
I still don't see how it stops him driving a bus.
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Exactly, sb. He did his job, he didn't offend any Asians within his bus route so why get sacked for having beliefs? I thought this country was in a democracy, not dictatorship.
That's why he won his case. Justice has prevailed.
Very good.

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Bus Driver who was sacked in 2004....

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