Has anybody seen these at a good price (either in a shop or on the net)? I need the Starwars one (which is normally £25) and the girl one (about £17). I am not big on browsing in shops and live in Hicksville so not much choice anyway - any saving would be brill considering how many I need to buy, thank you.
Lol Anngel. Get a grip!
That's like saying what has Hello Kitty, The Simpsons, Peppa Pig, Take That (yes, Take That) got to do with Christmas. All advent calenders you can buy.
Sherrard it's been a while since I played with Lego, I may well need assistance! If I get lucky and a kindly benefactor sends me a Lego advent calendar will you be on hand to assist with the assembly???
I love putting it together (pretend it's a major chore though). The best was the Death Star, took me nearly a week to finish it fitting it in around all the things I needed to do. It needs some TLC now so it's only list when I get a chance.
Sher, I guess it's too late now but I ordered one from an Amazon seller called Lambstoys yesterday. It was £28 including standard delivery. It's just arrived.