There was a program on TV about a new holagraphic hard drive a few weeks ago that could store upto 1,000,000 GB.
Is there any info about this on the web?
Yes, it will be a while yet... it is only a theory and is being pursued by several major companies, but they admit that even if practicable it will take at least 10 years to develop.
No, I have actualy seen one of these and they work, but it's going to take five years to develope all the other hardware and software to work with it. They use simular technology for DVD's and there is already a 100gb DVD on the market, does anyone know of a site about these HDD???
How odd?! You rated your answer to yourself as being 3-star?! Anyway, my guess is something along the lines of IBM or Hitachi's Storage Research Departments might be a good place to look - both are pioneers in many areas of digital storage.
yeah, they don't make gb's available at that size, unless you're working for csi, or nasa or somethin like that. Unless you have about $6,000.00- to play around with. My psp can get 1gb for $120.00 so believe me 120x1,000,000 yeah, you can do the math.