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Odd things which set you off

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albaqwerty | 16:38 Fri 09th Nov 2012 | ChatterBank
35 Answers
There was a picture of an amphibious vehicle on a thread, which sent me back in time to when my dad was still around.
I think of him daily, but sometimes it can be a full-on get the hankies out.

Just being human I suppose?


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I was a real daddies girl, but then he was a great dad.
Just remember how lucky you were to have great dads and have such happy memories.
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It wasn't until I'd grown up and escaped my mother's clutches that I realised what a caring. loving man he was.
Christmas time, mothers day, fathers day and birthdays ( theirs and mine). I always think that I have forgotten something a card a present and then I remember.
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Sibs, I know/ A very good friend of mine has 3 kiddies to an aearosol, the 4th child and the other 3 are loved by the father of the 4th.
I was a real daddies girl. He never really treated me as an adult.
My mum died very suddenly 26 years ago on the 23rd of December and it was the worst Christmas ever,trying to keep things normal as possible for the kids in the family when they all kept asking about was where their Gran was. It's only been the last few years when we've got some new kids in the family that it's got a bit better. I ended up very close to my dad and one of the things I inherited from him was a liking for a good malt whisk(e)y and every time I try a new one it makes me think of him and smile.
Paddy xx
I was very close to my father.
When he was diagnosed with terminal prostate cancer, we all knew his days were numbered however, he finally left us at the worse possible time .. 2015hrs christmas eve 2005.
The difficult decision we made was not to inform my nephew and my god-daughters on christmas day that he was dead, as we did not want to spoil their exitement of the day. We just said he was feeling bad and had stayed in bed.
We informed them the day after boxing day.

Christmas has not quite been the same since then.
Met a lady in town today - she is a grandmother now. What set me off? Well she is the same age as my daughter would have been (they were in the same class at school). Sadly my daughter died on 9th December 1972 aged only 5. I hate Christmas but put on a face for the rest of the family.
Oh Maggie, I can't imagine anything worse
Big hugs to you maggie, that is so sad. x
How sad maggie. I really feel for you on this sad anniversary. My own dad went suddenly on 15th December 1986 and I still think of him often.
You have my deepest sympathies.
Thanks everyone. My wee lass would have been 45 now but to me she will always be 5.

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