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4getmenot | 13:20 Sat 10th Nov 2012 | Food & Drink
16 Answers
Just had a couple of these and they are so yummy

But on reading bottom of pack it says oven - 15 minutes

Can I eat them cold or not?? Thay taste cooked


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If they were in the same section/shelf as scotch eggs then I'd say you can eat them cold.
Wasn't the butter bit horrible though?
both you choose
Usually it says 'ready to eat' or 'eat hot or cold' - so I'm not sure, but I guess they should be cooked as the centre should be liquid
you can eat hot or cold. as a chilled item they are fine (i use them in salads etc.); but i've never cooked a scotch egg. i imagine the cooking instructions are to heat them thoroughly if desired. you haven't poisoned yourself or anything! ;-p x
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nothing on saying eat hot and cold. worried myself more after because of my bump. I've put back in fridge and will cook tomorrow.
4get....they are absolutely fine cold. you can cook scotch eggs, but they are normally a cold food. keep eating them if you want....they are fine. dissect one if you examine the cooked meat in it. it's fine, i promise! x
Your bump?????!!!!!!!

Is this a :o))))))) moment 4get?
I would say they`re meant to be heated but as they`re pre-cooked, it wouldn`t kill you if you ate them cold.
sorry, i meant the kiev bites, not scotch eggs!
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yes tigger, there is a mini 4getmenot on the way :-)
OMG woohooooooooooo :o))))))))
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Yep finally got there :-)
I haven't been on AB much lately so I didn't see your post 4get.

So happy for you xxx
I'm welling up here, lol

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