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's a bit quiet on here his morning..................

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Tilly2 | 08:03 Tue 13th Nov 2012 | ChatterBank
26 Answers
might have to log off and do something else!


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factor, why are you looking for a job? 'They' are crying out for Maths teachers.
Why not sibton? (I feel awkward calling you that- I always picture a pupil at a boarding school being shouted at by a teacher or of that dog that chased the deer).
I haven't worked since the end of August and need to keep my hand in. Or did you think I was a retired gent
No you look too young to be retired but then I know your age as well just need your bank details to transfer half of my Euromillions win tonight
'They' are crying out for Maths teachers. Most vacancies now are temporary and still gets 40 applicants, mainly unemployed newly qualified teachers plus some older experienced teachers like me; I usually get shortlisted and turn up on the day to face 6-8 other candidates, I deliver a good lesson and have a good interview but always lose out to NQTs who of course are a lot cheaper. Happens most years now but I usually get something temporary by January. I'm also going to try supply now but it means forking out for CRB checks with each agency even though I've got several that are still within date. What a rip-off.
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I see, factor. It must be difficult for you. Have you thought of adult numeracy teaching?
Yes- but I have only ever seen two ads. I had an interview/lesson for one butwas up against a temp who had already been doing the job there. The other was strongly encouraging candidates from backgrounds different to mine and I didn't get invited for interview. Where would I find these vacancies advertised.
There is a shortage of Maths teachers in the South East and bizarrely in Cumbria but nowhere else. The last two schools I was at made some maths teachers redundant.

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's a bit quiet on here his morning..................

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