I am making a compote which tells me to make a syrup with one tenth of the water to the sugar...how do I know what one tenth is in liquid measurement to ounces or grams?
Help please...am doing it now!!!
I'd just judge it by volume. I do quite a bit of cooking and baking and I must confess I usually just estimate the quantities and it always works out fine
That's all correct but I read it that the recipe asks for water and syrup to be used in the ratio 1:10 and she needs to know if that's by volume or weight. Maybe there isn't much difference
thank you so much..I did wonder if it worked on the basis of 1cc to 1 gram.Never done this recipe before so did not want to guess it.Don`t do much baking etc. these days...used to many moons ago.Now it is just cooking meals of the day etc...lazy !!!!
That's all correct but I read it that the recipe asks for water and SUGAR to be used in the ratio 1:10 and she needs to know if that's by volume or weight. Maybe there isn't much difference