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needawin | 15:13 Wed 14th Nov 2012 | ChatterBank
38 Answers
Who ever started the USA craze here for coffee on the move. Everywhere are muppets with their cartons of coffee and mobile glued to their ear in the early morning. "Look how busy I am. I don't even have time to stop for breakfast" they want you to think. Sad people. Get up half an hour earlier and make a breakfast for Gods sake.


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evian one post before was to fgt
em10 - yes we have recycle bins at work and at home.

i do like EB's post, my vote for best answer
lots of people don't seem to think about recycling their coffee cup on the move.. going on the amount of people who discard them on the train, bus, pavement, and so on.
you could say that about most things em (chip paper, bottles,cans ect) even when people are given recycling boxes they still throw their recycling into black bags
agree about the other stuff too.
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Really got something going here. Isn't that the whole point of the chatter!
i would have thought so, seems some, most don't agree with you, however chin up i do..
i think what most people are annoyed about is the assumption that people are only drinking coffee on the go to show how busy they are.

from the range of replies it clearly shows it is the op with the issue not the coffee drinker

now littering is whole other subject
not just littering but the fact much of the stuff doesn't get recycled, goes straight in the waste bin.
And to make themselves appear really super important, they are adorned with numerous security and ID badges dangling and swinging so as to catch your attention...even when they're obviously on their way home:)
isn't it obligatory to wear them till you get home, i always thought so. x
I was sitting in a coffee bar last week, three young men finished their coffee and then went to the counter and asked for "three more to go ". The person behind the counter said "you must like our coffee". "Not really" one of them replied" it looks cool to carry a large cup".
Never thought of that, em10. Perhaps they have to figure out which of the danglers has their home address imprinted upon it:)
Quite right Needy, what do they look like. From the tone of the answers you've had, I'd say it wouldn't hurt them to lay off the coffee for a bit.
perhaps the photo's are to remind them of who they are.
It's was general answer em to all the negative answers.
I get up just past 5am to be in work for 7am, I get one bus, grab a coffee, meet a colleague and we sit and have a natter over a coffee on another bus to work. I have breakfast at work. I'd rather that than get up even earlier and wouldn't fancy breakfast that early anyway. Nothing to do with how busy I am, more about being a caffeine addict :)
I remember my mother dinning into me how it was really bad manners to eat and drink in the street - now everyone does it. I can't see the need.

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