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Another Mindless Madman rears his head

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naomi24 | 09:53 Wed 14th Nov 2012 | Religion & Spirituality
13 Answers
This is crazy!

Batexia posted this elsewhere for me a couple of days ago. I did ask him to re-post it separately, but he hasn’t been around so I do hope he doesn’t mind me doing it.


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I am sure batexia will not. It is cultural vandalism. Pretty sure it will not happen in this specific instance, since the pyramids are so inextricably linked with the image of Egypt that the more mainstream majority will not countenance such a thing.

It serves to underline how fanaticism can totally corrupt rational thinking. We get it in AB, when you get posters who with every post deride potential posters as being pinkos or lefties - you know that their objectivity and intellect have been completely compromised by their bias - and this is more evidence of the same.

The destruction of the buddhist statues in afghanistan by the taleban is further evidence of this lunacy. The idea that mostly illiterate fanatics wield any kind of power in this day and age just shows how far we still have to travel before we achieve cultural maturity for mankind.
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LG, I agree. Frightening! How anyone could even contemplate destroying the pyramids is completely beyond me. Crazy people!!
Death to all things triangular.

Couldn't he just opt for the, "I'm not going to look at them any more" option?
I never thought they'd go ahead with blowing up the Buddhist statues either, but they did. Nothing surprises me anymore with these fanatic idiots.
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Neither did I, Wildwood, but we know differently now. Bearing that in mind, I'm surprised more people haven't commented on this.
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... and another thought. The only people here who seem to care enough to condemn this are atheists.
No pyramids, no tourists. No tourists, increased poverty, as a major source of income is lost. Unless, of course that is their plan.
It's the first I've heard of this, how many more crazy people are going to surface? And since when were the Pyramids idols? This fanaticism is growing, there seems to be no end to their posturing. I cannot see an end to it until perhaps the young people see the error in this thinking and break the mould. It will be a long time coming.
"No pyramids, no tourists. No tourists, increased poverty, as a major source of income is lost."

You're on the right lines plautus, increased poverty means less education, and less education means more ignorance, the bedrock of all strong religions.
the Muslim Brotherhood has done well out of poverty, supplying social needs where the state so often failed.
Not for altogether altruistic reasons I suspect, but more for the controlling aspect.
All we have to do is worship the taleban then they will have to destroy themselves.
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