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petal54 | 03:06 Sun 18th Nov 2012 | ChatterBank
60 Answers
an odd question,but how would you prefer to be 'sent off' to the happy acres in the sky


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My funeral is planned. I'm Irish so it'll be as good as the one I gave OH much to the amazement of his family. They are English but never mind. ;-)
Burial......anything else is too final.
My father-in-law was a long-distance lorry driver, who frequently travelled to the West Country from London. When he died he was cremated and, as per his wishes, the ashes were scattered in a small wood beside a lay-by on the A303.
Any bits they can use are going to help keep somebody alive and reasonably well, the rest of the bits and pieces to medical research. My collection of single malts to the club I use so the lads and lasses can have a last few drinks on me. After all what else can you do with a few stone of dead meat and bone that's not a complete waste.
I hope the ones who are leaving their bodies to medical research do better than my late first father-in-law. He died in hospital less than 24 hours after being admitted (even though he had long-term heart problems) so there had to be an autopsy. An autopsy renders the body unfit for medical research use. So after all the trouble he'd gone to, to sort this out we ended up having to arrange a funeral.................
I think this island is too small for precious land being used for burials; I prefer cremation with ashes strewn in a fav place.

My parents are buried beside Heathrow which does restrain airport expansion; not good imo.
I want to be cremated. I wouldn't want to deny my children the chance to properly say goodbye to me. I think a funeral is the right and proper thing to do and gives comfort to those left behind.
I think the funerals give comfort thing is not always true. I have never been comforted by attending a funeral.
Woodland burial, wrapped in Union Flag in a woven grass container, with a simple Humanist service. PU for survivors at the Golf Club.
It's a way of saying goodbye. Why do you go to funerals then Woofgang?
I went to my father's funeral because i was supporting my mother. I went to my mother's funeral to support my sisters. I went to my husband's funeral for a private reason. if I could have avoided it, i would have.
Cremation for me.
There was a woman who told her husband she would dance on his he had himself buried at sea.
I once remarked to my daughter that I would like to be buried at sea. She took this very seriously and researched it and it is not as simple as it sounds. Reality is that I dont really care. I just dont want people to cry. The thought of that upsets me.
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does anyone know if the co-operative funeral service any good?
yes and you get the divi as well
Quietly, in a cardboard box in a crematorium
I've got the hearse and one car booked, oak effect box and a one way trip to the crem, spent the divi already.
My mother used to tell us she had paid for a coop funeral. After she died we found nothing written down and coop denied any knowledge too. So if you do pay for something in advance leave a record and if your relative says they have paid get some more information.
Not a lot of choice around my way, the graveyard only had space for 6 more burials the last time I heard and the council have been unable to find any more suitable land , so it's cremation like it or leave it.
Cremated cremulated and out into the wind.
Nothing fancy, out with the bins on a Tuesday morning will do me, as long as its the black bin week and not brown, wouldn't want to be recycled!

Oh and a good piss up afterwards is a must.

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