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baza | 01:49 Wed 21st Nov 2012 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
about Brian Conley leaving the jungle because of depression. Why do you think
so many comics suffer from depression?


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♫ Behind the painted smile ♫
Funny innit?
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It's so sad that someone who can make us laugh so much should suffer in this way.
baza , sorry if my one line answer did not fit the bill, but if you have ever suffered depression you will know it spares no one. Sometimes the jolliest of people you meet are miserable and sad behind their front door - it is an act.
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No need to apologise, I know anyone can suffer from depression. Sorry took so long to answer but lost connection for a while. I wasn't trying to be glib. My other half suffers from bouts of depression most of it to do with the stresses of family life. I realise nobody is immune.
I think it's because - as anyone who suffers from depression knows - it's possible to construct a personna that works for day-to-day living, almost like acting a part, while behind it, you can quietly die a bit at a time.

How often do people who know a suicide say "He was the last person you'd think would do that ..." wheras in fact, as sufferers know, that is what makes him the first person in fact - a bitter irony lost on no sufferer.

Comedians are exactly that sort of personality - they play a role which is nothing like their real self, and that makes them tailor-made for this most hoorendous mental anguish, which they hide so well.

Add to that the fact that a degree of sensitivity and reaction to the world at large is an essential aspect of the comedian's art, and the depressive's make-up, and you begin to see what easy bedfellows they make.

I hope Brian recovers soon.
With respect to Brian, all who sign up for this program knows the tasks that's in store for them, if Brian has this problem I think he should have stopped at home within his comfort zone.
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With respect the programme makers should have done a more thorough health check.
I do not think it's up to the Program Producers, it's up to the person they ask to go on this program to disclose their heath problems.
Brian chose to do what he chose to do. I am sorry it has made his illness worse, but he's a grown up man who makes his own choices.
He was not coping well..was seen sobbing on his own down by the water hole bit and had been in several squabbles over not must be difficult for funny men as they are expected to perform all the time...

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