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:O can't believe this!

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lumination | 09:35 Wed 21st Nov 2012 | News
27 Answers
Just found this in the news this morning.

Shocking that a gang would do this through the street with everything else going on out there

WARNING, its graphic!


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We in the West are often criticised by some, but can anyone honestly think, that such barbarous justice would be carried out by the English or anyone else in the West?

How far are we allowed to go back?
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how about this, Sunni kill Shiite Muslims, or Palestinians kill Israelis or vice versa. Or Catholics kill Protestants, also vice versa, so how far back do you want to go?
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Lumination, Why can't you believe it? You're watching a backward and barbaric mentality in action.
Uncivilised peasants !!

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:O can't believe this!

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