something not quite right !! in The AnswerBank: News
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something not quite right !!

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chas2008 | 16:04 Fri 23rd Nov 2012 | News
7 Answers

I know its not right and they are breaking the law, but bearing in mind its THEIR land, how come you never hear of one of our wonderful traveling community locked up for the same reasons ??? ( and they turn up on someone elses land)
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Usual nonsense from the DM.

1) He is hardly penniless. A two acre field is worth at least £15k.

2) He hasn't just set up tents as the text says. He has a caravan, clearly visible in the picture. It is the caravan that causes the planning problem.

3) Travelling communities putting vans on other people's land aren't there long enough for the planning laws to have been broken - just the issue of trepass.

He's perhaps playing the system and trying to get planning consent on his field. The DM fell for the stunt.
I thought it said in the article that the caravans were given to then after they started living in the tent?
I did wonder why this family had not sold the field they camped in ...strange eh ?
// A two acre field is worth at least £15k. //

Yeah, they could buy a nice house with that.
/// Travelling communities putting vans on other people's land aren't there long enough for the planning laws to have been broken - just the issue of trepass.///

It took a five-year court battle with the council, to get rid of the
Dale Farm travellers, and I don't think any of those got sent to jail.
Nothing so good as quoting the extreme end of a range and pretending it's the average, AOG.
See you haven't mellowed in older age - just the same old tripe being peddled.
You'll no doubt remember it was me who commented on your incessant ability to raise new questions without the slightest interest in the answers.

/// You'll no doubt remember it was me who commented on your incessant ability to raise new questions without the slightest interest in the answers ///

You are so insignificant that I can hardly remember you, never mind your comments.

But you are completely wrong with your assumption, just read the questions that I raise, I take full interest in the answers, that is of course if they are worth taking an interest in.

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