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Facebook local buy and sell page

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dotty. | 17:28 Sun 25th Nov 2012 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
just posted an ad on the facebook page for buying and selling in this area, it's free to join and advertise stuff, posted a description and photo of a fire i wanted to sell and it sold within 4 minutes! local lady is collecting it tomorrow, cash on pick-up, excellent idea, well chuffed with how easy it was. plus 2 other people want to be in reserve. alot easier than ebay!


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My daughter looked on this page the other week and saw two single beds for £70, in really good condition, when we got there the price included all bedding for them including duvets and pillow cases, she also came away with a deep fat fryer, a large bread maker and two car seats for children, one of which was unused. What a bargain.
It's a great way to buy and sell stuff, and you don't have any commission to pay.

But I suppose you don't have any back up if anything goes wrong either.
pls can you give me the site and what area does it cover dotty ? thank you.
I use Facebook but I've never heard of this! How do I find it? TIA
Our local one is called Kendal Seek & Sell.
You just need to search for your local bit on FB - they're all called something a bit different.
type in freebay on facebook, followed by your area. It's so handy to sell things that are too large to post on ebay. I've sold a TV, a coffee machine and a wii. Downside is people coming to your home, so I always make sure husband is home when I allow people to come and view/buy.
None in my area :(
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Facebook local buy and sell page

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