Crosswords5 mins ago
Will this be the great gay marriage revolt?
36 Answers
http ://w ww.d aily mail .co. uk/n ews/ arti cle- 2237 617/ Came rons -pla n-al low- gay- marr iage -set -tri gger -big gest -Tor y-re bell ion- mode rn-t imes .htm l
/// Among the 118 is gay MP Conor Burns. He said he ‘marvels’ at why David Cameron is prioritising same-sex marriage when there is no ‘clamour’ for it in the gay community. ///
The 118 Tory MPs who are set to defy Cameron are listed here.
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/// Among the 118 is gay MP Conor Burns. He said he ‘marvels’ at why David Cameron is prioritising same-sex marriage when there is no ‘clamour’ for it in the gay community. ///
The 118 Tory MPs who are set to defy Cameron are listed here.
It's interesting that Mr Cameron (whom I believe once briefly held the position of Prime Minister) has made this a matter of priority. However, his continued promises of "rewarding marriage" which he made both before and after the last General Election seemed to have been quietly shifted to the back burner (if they're still on the hob at all). It's possibly...
15:35 Sat 24th Nov 2012
/// Oh, and MP Conor Burns is talking cobblers. ///
If one doesn't toe the gay's line on the subject of gay marriages, they are talking 'cobblers', regardless of the fact that, that person also happens to be gay.
That kind of dictatorial thinking only turns people away from supporting the gay lobby.
/// Oh, and MP Conor Burns is talking cobblers. ///
If one doesn't toe the gay's line on the subject of gay marriages, they are talking 'cobblers', regardless of the fact that, that person also happens to be gay.
That kind of dictatorial thinking only turns people away from supporting the gay lobby.
We have discussed polls, and wisely decided that polls cannot be relied upon, since they are often biased.
What has not been discussed much in this thread at least is exactly why these 118 MPs are revolting?
What is it about the idea of gay marriage, precisely, that these MPs and other like minded individuals find so offensive that they feel impelled to vocally object, or vote against it?
What has not been discussed much in this thread at least is exactly why these 118 MPs are revolting?
What is it about the idea of gay marriage, precisely, that these MPs and other like minded individuals find so offensive that they feel impelled to vocally object, or vote against it?
"Might not matter to you but... "
Yes, sorry sp, I should have completed it more fully. Let me do so now:
Might not matter to you but ... neither does it to the vast majority of people as there are far more important issues to address which do matter to them. And when time and resources are tight it is morally reprehensible to spend valuable time fannying about with issues that only a small minority are interested in.
Yes, sorry sp, I should have completed it more fully. Let me do so now:
Might not matter to you but ... neither does it to the vast majority of people as there are far more important issues to address which do matter to them. And when time and resources are tight it is morally reprehensible to spend valuable time fannying about with issues that only a small minority are interested in.
Since when has politics and legislation been solely been introduced and ranked according to its popularity, or its economic importance? You know better than that NJ. Nor is politics about monovalent decision making - focusing on just one thing at a time to the exclusion of everything else. Even politicians and lawmakers should be capable of some degree of multi-tasking :)
Some legislation might have been bubbling under for some while, and speaks to some basic cultural requirements - and gay marriage fits that bill. So why are these 118 MPs especially revolting?
Some legislation might have been bubbling under for some while, and speaks to some basic cultural requirements - and gay marriage fits that bill. So why are these 118 MPs especially revolting?
Conor Burns IS talking cobblers, because there is strong support for marriage equality amongst gay people. Polls held in Attitude magazine, Gay Time and on the Pink News site all confirm this.
These are facts that I can back up with when Conor Burns says that there is little support for marriage equality in the gay community, he's talking cobblers.
Conor Burns IS talking cobblers, because there is strong support for marriage equality amongst gay people. Polls held in Attitude magazine, Gay Time and on the Pink News site all confirm this.
These are facts that I can back up with when Conor Burns says that there is little support for marriage equality in the gay community, he's talking cobblers.
New Judge
I find your argument odd.
Do you think that every department in the UK government is solely fixated on marriage equality?
Or do you think that perhaps, marriage equality is just one of a large number of initiatives that the government is currently working on?
I suspect that the government's not like they just deal with one issue at at time.
This is why I find they whole, "Haven't they got more important things to think about".
The economy is our chief concern at the moment...but does that mean that every government department and every MP should be solely fixated on that?
I find your argument odd.
Do you think that every department in the UK government is solely fixated on marriage equality?
Or do you think that perhaps, marriage equality is just one of a large number of initiatives that the government is currently working on?
I suspect that the government's not like they just deal with one issue at at time.
This is why I find they whole, "Haven't they got more important things to think about".
The economy is our chief concern at the moment...but does that mean that every government department and every MP should be solely fixated on that?
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