Every now and then you get a driver who is so impatient to get somewhere that he/she feels the need to overtake ( sometinmes dangerously ) on a road , with one lane in each direction ; even when you are driving according to the speed limit .
The same as you....impatient drivers
Also as a pedestrian waiting to cross the road they go through the red lights and that annoys me.
They just cant wait 30 seconds for the lights to change to green!
I don't drive so my driver annoyances are mostly from the perspective of a pedestrian.
My biggest moan is drivers who don't indicate and then get really shouty at me when I walk out into a side road that they want to turn onto. The next most annoying is drivers who insist on setting off across a zebra crossing when I haven't reached the opposite pavement yet, or sit and rev their engine because I am not crossing fast enough for them.
I'm the exact opposite of Ummmm.. I am a very patient person (you have to be when you work with children!) except when i'm in the car. I don't overtake or anything though... just shout and swear from my own protective wee bubble!!! Lol!!
Earlier, people shoving past me while I was struggling trying to get used to my new walking stick while carrying other bags and trying to carry a basket and get stuff in it.
Oh and people who come right up when you're at a checkout/kiosk when you are trying to finish paying (especially when putting your PIN in) - proper space invaders as they aren't patient enough to wait.