Question Author
Very clever crafty. Wealthy person. I was going to type rich ***** but changed my mind.
23:37 Mon 26th Nov 2012
Craft:-lol @ Jeza. A wet room isn't posh, it probably costs less than putting in a decent shower cubicle.
23:48 Mon 26th Nov 2012 Report
It's an ongoing issue that if you answer some people's questions and don't wring your hands and moan about the rags on your back, you are implied to be 'wealthy', ' gloating' and all manner of other things. There have been quite a few threads about it, especially one I recall when one user was made to feel guilty about having a holiday and celebrating Christmas. People are who they are, some are better off financially than others, it doesn't mean they ought not to be allowed to answer questions without being made to feel as if they shouldn't have spoken.