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Eminent Victorian surgeons...

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sandyRoe | 17:42 Thu 29th Nov 2012 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
Does anyone know the name of the surgeon who rightly prided himself on the speed of his work? This must have been in the days before anaesthetics so speed was an important consideration.
This chap achieved fame when, while amputated a leg, sawed half way through the table, cut off his own thumb and a testis from an attending porter.


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[i] even if he had only one testicle after his grandfather slipped with the knife.
His mrs cher was ok as well.
we had a school reverend who could have been Victorian. He apparently had an accident on Mont Blanc and lost his.....we reckoned that was how they invented the anenometer.....
I know have an ear worm DT, it's a song that concerns a Mr Hitler.
Unfortunately his name was two syllables as well, "Boggis" and the accident was on the Matterhorn, so phonetically that ear-worm worked well, tony.
didnt anyone have the sense to stop Liston he was a maniac butcher.
Sounds a bit of a cowboy. Quick on the saw.
Probably have been better as a pathologist. At least then it wouldn't have mattered what little extras he sawed off.

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