I guess it`ll be good because it`s new so the interior will be spick and span. A lot of airlines bring in completely different seats when they get a new aircraft type. Plus better inflight entertainment systems as well. It`s more fuel efficient and quieter but the most noticeable thing will be that it has proper airconditioning of air that comes in from outside directly rather than aircraft now which have `bleed` air that goes through the engines. That is supposed to eliminate some of the ghastly feelings you get at the end of a long flight. I`m still not sure about all-composite though..
yes, I don't suppose Boeing will have anything to do with seating arrangements, that's down to the airline. In fact I thought I saw a while back someone from Thomson explaining how the dreamliner would give their passengers more room, and wondered why he didn't just remove a few rows of seats from the planes he had already.
I suppose a/c might be an improvement though I don't usually have a problem with it.
We're due to fly on it with Thomson to Orlando next summer, IF there's no more delays and they get the 8 they've ordered.
look on their website to see ahy it's supposed to be so good....bigger windows, self-tinting to replicate day/night. Good air-con to prevent headaches etc. More room (airlines select their own seat plans though so 3-4-3 or 2-4-2 etc). These have been very well tested and are more fuel efficient and greener.