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Good morning early birds!

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waterboatman | 06:04 Wed 05th Dec 2012 | ChatterBank
112 Answers
Wednesday. We had some rain, but it's OK now. Still nice and mild, well there's no frost. Could be worse!

Have a happy day everyone.


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Morning all, not a bad outside now though it's being raining over night. Got a bit of bad news last night as one of my cousins had died, funeral on Friday. He was only 52 and had always had problems with his health both mentally and physically but nobody expected him to die.
Hi Dee Sa........they have all done a runner on you!
sorry to hear that paddywak, not a great time to go....
I know DT as I've said before my mum went on the 23rd of December, but at least it was quick, apparently he was just walking down the street had a heart attack and that was it. Not very god for people round but better then suffering with a long term illness like cancer.
True...but still a shock to the family.
It is that DT, but the worst thing in our case was trying to explain to a bunch of under fives why their beloved nan was there to see them open their Christmas presents
Good morning to you all,sorry to hear your sad news paddywak.
Morning all. I've woken to a snow covered world - even the birds seem to have sensibly stayed in bed today.
So frosty here had to clean off the cars of Ice,so cold and slippy.
Sorry to hear that Paddywak. A good way to go - but not at that age.
late good morning from a snowy more Chrissie shopping to do today and run a few chores for mum as dad is still not up to driving...hoope you all have a nice day..sorry to hear your news Paddy..
Hi murraymints,I will be in Edingurgh next week,Is the german Christmas market there yet?

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Good morning early birds!

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