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Bear Tossing

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joggerjayne | 09:25 Wed 05th Dec 2012 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
Love the clip below ...

(collecting bears for underprivileged kids)


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I thought 'bear tossing' was some arcane Brighton pastime. ;-)
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purleeeez !

Haha Jayne, that's awesome!

What a lovely idea too :-)
Do kids in need really need toy bears?
Hopkirk, they probably get what they need but sometimes it's nice to get something you want.

Jayne, that's lovely.
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I think it's like Rocky says, Hopkirk.

Children in need will usually be provided with food, and somewhere to live. What they miss out on are things like toys.

Every child should have a teddy.

Did anyone else, or just me? get tearful watching that clip?
I didn't get tearful which is unusual for me, but it did warm the ole cockles.
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I thought it was such a lovely idea. I like the woman just in front of the camera, who wives the bear to her little boy, and he more or less throws it at some guy's head about two rows in front.
Watched the Edmonton Eskimos a few times. Nothing would surprise about Canadian ice hockey. Never had a teddy bear and always wanted one bur dogs are a good substitute, though teddies don't have foul breath
I don't get it. Lobbing bears and disrupting a hockey game seems to be more about promoting hooligan behaviour that supporting a good cause. The money spent on the bears would bo more good as direct donations. Bah Humbug.
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lol Mousey
Thanks for that JJ. Brought back happy memories of watching the Flames play in Calgary and the fun and generosity of the Canadian fans.
That's lovely :)
Is 'bear' an anagram?
quite funny, having seen many a ice hockey game can testify that it's not for the faint of heart. Don't the teddy bears get a bit cold though..

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