but do we really need wall to wall coverage of the fact? I'm really pleased for them both but there's only so many times you can listen to the same stories!
actually, there is a potential problem, though not related to gender: what happens if she has twins by Caesarean? The surgeon will be selecting the future monarch.
Ideally this would be televised and the public could vote on it.
Rumour ( I'm sure it's not true) has it that the newborn will look extraordinarily like George Osborne who needed this pregnancy to divert attention from the awful mess he is making of the country's economy.
Wrong McMouse, William's number one would be King or Queen (and caesarean surgeons generally pull out baby 1 as if they would have come out of the front door). Prince Harry could be appointed Prince Regent, to assume the affairs of state until the Monarch is ready to take up the cudgels.
When you are carrying twins the hospital refers to them as twin a and twin b, when I had mine by c section twin a was first born (there must be some sort of protocol for the things).