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Good morning early birds!

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waterboatman | 06:17 Fri 07th Dec 2012 | ChatterBank
160 Answers
Friday. It's been raining hard all night. I won't have to fill up the bird bath! Have a happy day everyone!


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Mine's giving me a hard time too. I'll stick it out for a while. :o{
good morning everyone. hope you are all well. sorry to be late but was just enjoying being prone and doing some physio exercises.
omg page 8 already. i am late.
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Morning LJ xxx Nothing wrong with that! :o}
You're right it is a shock for every one, but at least unlike a lot of people we haven't had to watch some one suffer for a long time knowing there's nothing you can do for them. Well I'm of for the papers then, a quick breakfast before setting off.
my goodness, could read that the wrong way, Lady J - prone and physio exercises.....hope that your muscles are responding! paddywak - my thoughts are with you today.
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Morning DT. Down boy! ;o}
good morning DT. how are you? lol DT hadn't thought of that. truly some of the exercises physio gave me prone on bed. not floor too hard at the mo. forgot to ask how many times a day. (careful don't read tht wrongly) but anything not to be a croooked woman.
paddywak i wish you all well. a very sad occasion. always worse for the ones that are left. they have to cope with everything especially feelings. xx
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arf arf arf LJ! It's all good exercise! :o}
good morning to everyone i might have missed.
Morning all. Hope you're well. Heavy rain ......... but at least it means the snow has gone. The farmers around here are busy digging the ditches deeper.
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Morning naomi xxx It's been chucking down all night here, but it's stopped now but there is heavy cloud, so there's more to come I reckon!
better get your snow shovel ready, naomi, with what they were saying on R4 this morning....
i'm off to start doing other things. hope you all have a good day. will be thinking of you paddy and hope all goes smoothly and that the weaather is not too bad. bye all. and thanks for your company.xx
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It's always a pleasure to have your company LJ. Have a happy day xxxxx I must be off too. Have fun everyone! :o}
Five minutes for me and then I am on the move.....have a fab day all...
//better get your snow shovel ready, naomi, with what they were saying on R4 this morning.... // Really DT? I haven't seen the weather forecast this morning, but someone told me yesterday we're in for the worst winter EVER! 'Ever' sounds a bit daunting! :o/
annemollie you've hit the nail on the head as long as the junk goes out of sight thats okay with me, finding it again is another story.Why dont we want people to see us in our ";natural habitat" untidy house ? and the bathroom definately has to pass muster !
whats happening every time I put inverted commas this &quot comes up ?

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Good morning early birds!

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