We seem to live in a age of abbreviations. There are thousands of them, including such as RCD (which can mean Rabbit Calcivirus Disease), PDO, TSB, and so on. Some I recognise, but those I don't I usually ignore rather than have to search the internet to find out. What abbreviation problems have others had and how can they best be dealt with?
When I first started forums years and years ago, I thought there were loads of people called TIA.
Best dealt with? You could try asking whoever wrote what you don't get what it means :-)
My husband's useless with text abbreviations. A while ago his gay mate sent him a joke with LOL at the bottom, he went bananas as he thought it meant lots of love, it was very funny, he felt a proper twit when it was explained.
I've posted this before Coldicote but for you. I received a text about an old relative and talking about dnr for her. I thought we were going to have dinner with her and replied....How lovely, she'll enjoy that.
Turned out DNR meant Do Not Resuscitate.
Oh dear Gness, that was unfortunate. Lots of amusing answers here thank you. Perhaps it would help if anyone posting on AB would, at least once, spell out what they mean. I understand they used to have G.I. (general issue) bride during the war!