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Frozen food

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andrewlee | 20:07 Thu 22nd Dec 2005 | Food & Drink
4 Answers
How long can I really keep food in the freezer? I've got some fish, chicken, prawns, and mince (most bought on a buy one get one free offer) nicely iced up, but the labels say you can only keep it for 1 to 3 months. Would it hurt to eat them after say 6 or 9 months?
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Yes, my advice is don't risk it. I often have this problem with forgetting that I bought loads of buy one get one free things!

Ps. Are you a relation of Sara Lee? If so, tell her her frozen cakes are amazing.

andrew defrost it. if it looks ok and smells ok then it is ok! As an ex-chef and life long liver on stuff with removed labels trust me - i've neither died nor poisoned anyone. the yse by freezer labels are like best before labels - the manufacturer cannot GUARANTEE pristine goods if they're used outside that date. As I say, do the look, smell test!
I've used frozen food which has been stored in the freezer several months longer than recommended. It has always been OK but I'd recommend cooking it and eating is straight away and not refreezing anything made from it, i.e. bolognaise sauces, cottage pie, etc.
provided that the item has been frozen solid it should be fine-i once had a turkey in my freezer for 12 years which i cooked and ate a few years back !! but like the others suggest check it when it's defrosted

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